Basics and Contact

  • Postal address:
    Technische Universität Berlin
    Faculty II
    Institute of Mathematics
    Straße des 17. Juni 136, 10623 Berlin
    Room MA 574
  • Studied subject (Bachelor/Master):
    B.Sc./M.Sc. Mathematics

Research interests:

  • Sparsity Models, Deep Learning and Model Predictive Control


  • Member of BMS
  • Alumni of Studienstiftung des deutschen Volkes
  • Alumni of Deutschlandstipendium

Teching experience:

  • Teaching assistant for various mathematical courses

What (e.g. experiences) shaped you as a researcher?
I’m still at the starting point of my journey to becoming a researcher.

What motivated you to do research in this field or specific project? Data-based modeling is recently in high demand in many different areas. Especially considering Deep Learning-based methods, despite its success in application, a fundamental theory is still missing.

What do you think is important in your field or research in general? To not be intimidated by difficulties, to be curious and to question everything.

What helps you in your research?
Frequent communication and discussions on the subject with colleagues and supervisors

What shapes you besides research? Do you have hobbies or volunteer work, which you want to share?