Basics and Contact

  • Postal address:
    Freie Universität Berlin
    Arnimallee 12
    14195 Berlin

  • E-Mail:

  • Telephone:
  • Fields of Study:

  • Project: Q05

Research interests:

  • computaional biophysics, machine learning, scientific software development

International experience:

  • Lived in Boston (USA), Texas (USA), Berlin (Germany)


  1. Husic, B. E., Charron, N. E., Lemm, D., Wang, J., Pe ́rez, A., Majewski, M., Kra ̈mer, A., Chen, Y., Olsson, S., de Fabritiis, G., Noe ́, F., and Clementi, C. (2020). Coarse graining molecular dynamics with graph neural networks. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 153(19), 194101.
  2. Wang, J., Olsson, S., Wehmeyer, C., Pe ́rez, A., Charron, N. E., de Fabritiis, G., Noe ́, F., and Clementi, C. (2019). Machine Learning of Coarse-Grained Molecular Dynamics Force Fields. ACS Central Science.
  3. Ming-TaoLee,Pei-YinYang,NicholasE.Charron,Meng-HsuanHsieh,Yu-YungChang, and Huey W. Huang. “Comparison of the Effects of Daptomycin on Bacterial and Model Membranes”. Biochemistry, 2018, 57 (38) 5629-5639.
  4. Huey W. Huang, Nicholas E. Charron, Ming-Tao Lee, Meng-Hsuan Hsieh, and Yu-Yung Chang. “How does the Membrane-Active Antibiotic Daptomycin Work?”. Biophysical Journal. 2018. (abstract)
  5. Nicholas E. Charron, Pei-Yin Yang, and Huey W. Huang. “Structural and Mechanical Effects of Calcium on the Lipid Bilayer”. Biophysical Journal. 2018. (abstract)
  6. HuangandNicholasE.Charron.“UnderstandingMembrane-activeAntimicrobial Peptides”. Quarterly Reviews of Biophysics. 2017, 50, E10.
  7. NicholasE.Charron,Yuan-PangChang,Ming-TaoLee,andHueyW.Huang.“Interaction of Daptomycin and Calcium with Lipid Bilayers”. Biophysical Journal. 2017. (abstract)
  8. Wei-Chin Hung, Ming-Tao Lee, Hsien Chung, Yi-Ting Sun, Hsiung Chen, Nicholas E. Charron, and Huey W. Huang. “Comparative Study of the Condensing Effects of Ergosterol and Cholesterol”. Biophysical Journal. 2016, 110 (9), 2026-2033.

Teaching experience:

  • 3 years Learning Assistant at Boston Univ, 3 semesters Lab TA at Rice Univ, occasional lecturer at Rice Univ, 1 semester TA at Freie Univ

What (e.g. experiences) shaped you as a researcher?
Mostly a series of interesting failures

What motivated you to do research in this field or specific project?
I enjoy programming and proteins are cool.

What do you think is important in your field or research in general?
Reproducibility, less emphasis on publication, more emphasis on training and quality of work

What helps you in your research?
Collaborative effort.

What shapes you besides research? Do you have hobbies or volunteer work, which you want to share?
I enjoy making digital art, assembling and building electronic devices, writing, and the occasional music making.